Main Directions of Research
Scientific activity of the Department
Scientific activities are carried out within the framework of the Thematic Plan and Federal Target Programs (hereinafter referred to as FTP) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Programs of the Russian Science Foundation (hereinafter referred to as RSF) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), on orders (contracts) of organizations of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, the Agency “Roscosmos”, RAS, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation and other organizations of the Russian Federation, as well as under international contracts.
Main directions of research:
1. Development of new materials for extreme operating conditions:
- 1.1 Synthesis of functional compositions;
- 1.2 Synthesis of rapidly quenched amorphous solder alloys;
- 1.3 Synthesis of ceramics and alloys by methods of electropulse compaction of powders.
2. Increasing the resistance of materials to environmental influences:
- 2.1 Revealing the effect of helium and hydrogen on the swelling of materials;
- 2.2 Detection of swelling of structural materials under irradiation with heavy ions;
- 2.4 Sputtering and erosion of materials during plasma disruptions;
- 2.5 Modification of the structural-phase state of the surface of steels to increase corrosion resistance in liquid metals.
- 2.6 Modification of the structural-phase state of zirconium alloys to increase corrosion resistance in superheated water.
3. Improvement of methods for studying the structural-phase state of materials:
- 3.1 Electron microscopy and analysis of the state of materials.
- 3.2 X-ray structural and phase analysis of materials.
- 3.3 Atomic force microscopy of the state of the surface of materials.
- 3.4 Metallography of materials.
4. Methods for studying the properties of materials:
- 4.1 Physical properties of metals, alloys, ceramics and other materials.
- 4.2 Physical and mechanical properties of materials.